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January 2021 – Regular Business Meeting- CANCELLED

Mescal-J6 Fire District Administration Building, 98 N. Oak Drive, Benson, AZ 85602

This meeting will be closed to the public, in order to enhance social distancing requirements, however:

This meeting will be live-streamed on the MJFD Facebook page at

NOTE: Until social distancing policies are lifted, copies of the Board Meeting Packet (meeting agenda and associated documents) will be available for pickup no later than 1800 hours on the day of any Public Meeting.  These documents must be requested in advance and will be found in the black mailbox located next to the main gate entrance of the MJFD Administration building.

Call 520-586-4690 or email no later than 24 hours prior to meeting start to request a copy of the Board Packet. There is no fee for this service.